Southeast Energy Exchange Market
SEEM is a unique and thoroughly new approach to enhancing the existing bilateral market. The SEEM platform facilitates sub-hourly, bilateral trading, allowing participants to buy and sell power close to the time the energy is consumed, utilizing available unreserved transmission. Participation in SEEM is open to other entities that meet the appropriate requirements.
SEEM is a 21st century solution designed for the incredible pace of change resulting from the electricity sector growing toward an ever-greener future. Southeastern electricity customers will see cost and environmental benefits as a result of the platform.
SEEM members include Associated Electric Cooperative, Dalton Utilities, Dominion Energy South Carolina, Duke Energy Carolinas, Duke Energy Florida, Duke Energy Progress, Georgia System Operations Corporation, Georgia Transmission Corporation, JEA, LG&E and KU Energy, MEAG Power, N.C. Municipal Power Agency No. 1, NCEMC, Oglethorpe Power Corp., PowerSouth, Santee Cooper, Seminole Electric Corporation, Southern Company, Tampa Electric Company and TVA.
SEEM members represent nearly 23 entities in parts of 12 states with more than 180,000 MWs (summer capacity; winter capacity is nearly 200,000 MWs) across two time zones. These companies serve the energy needs of more than 36 million retail customers (nearly 60 million people).